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Clickn Track Marketing: "What is Marketing?"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"What is Marketing?"

"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives." On a macro level, many business components contribute to a marketer's overall knowledge, essential to succeed. These include the following:

• Business to Business Marketing
Business Law
• Consumer Behaviour
• Direct and Database Marketing
Financial GAAP Accounting
Finance and Management Accounting
Human Resources
International Marketing and Business Management
• Internet and Web Marketing
• Marketing Analysis and Statistics
• Marketing Concepts and Fundamentals
Marketing Management and Planning
• Marketing Mathematics
Marketing Research
• Microeconomics
Sales Management
Sales Promotion
• Services Marketing
• Small Business Planning
• Operations Management
• Oral Presentations and Public Speaking
• Organizational Behaviour
• Personal Selling
Supply Chain Management and Logistics
• Writing Marketing and Business Plans

Each of these components warrants an in-depth discussion. However, for the purpose of an assignment I’m going to focus on Internet and web marketing for now. Please visit again as this is a new blog. I'll be continuously developing, writing and adding content.

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